
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's like a laser light show. Without lasers.

For those of you who don't know, I have, on occasion, been known to read a poem or two in Public. Which is always interesting, because at actual "readings," I tend to read poems that are nothing like the poems I was undoubtedly booked from. Sorry guys. "After School, Special" is dunzo. Gidoverit.

I have several audio/video poems up in a couple places:

Two poems, "Drift (sonnet for Laci Peterson)" & "For April, Who is Bold" are up at The Pedestal Magazine.

And a feature I had at Hampshire College (back when I had a 9 month old and was simultaneously, miraculously with child) that they recorded and, bless their asses, have posted on YouTube. I haven't listened to them all (i hate my speaking voice) but I do love that this is a pantoum I am reading while little Calamity Clem is riding my hip like a crazed cowgirl.

Oh, and if you haven't read the biography that took a hundred years (pun intended) of research to write: "Gabriel García Márquez: A Life", you are not a complete human being yet. If ever EVER I could be somebody's mattress or saddle, it would be his.